• Checking Student Connect

    • MISSING” → check assignment has been "turned in" on Google Classroom (please be sure to press the "turn in" or "submit" button)
    • 59%” → received a lower grade, check comments to redo for more credit
    • Corrections” → updated score based on corrected work
    • Incomplete” → work is turned in, but it is not complete
    • Off-Topic” → work turned in is not related to assignment
    • Excused” → teacher has excused student from assignment
    • Late” → assignment has been turned in well past the due date
  • Effort Work - focuses on building skills needed to gain knowledge

    Examples: Classwork, Labs, Notes, Homework, Asynchronous Work, daily assignments on google classroom

    Effort Grading Scale 

    Mark/Points/ Percentage

    √+ = 10/10 100%, sometimes a 9/10 is also earned

    √ = 8/10 80%

    √-  = 6.5/10 65%

    Incomplete = 6/10 60%

    Off Topic = No Credit 


    Academic Work - focuses on students demonstrating knowledge of a specific academic standard

    Examples: summative assessments (projects, tests, quizzes, etc.)


    Grading Scale for Academic Work

    Traditional Letter Equivalent

    4 – Exceeds standard (I did more than what I was asked to do)

    90% - 100% = A (Exceeds Mastery)

    3 – Meets standard (I did what I was asked)

    80% - 89% = B (Mastery)

    2 – Approaching standard (There is more that I could do)

    70% - 79% = C (Nearly Met)

    1 – Below standard (I did not do what I should’ve, I should ask for help)

    60% - 69% = D (Approaching)

    50% - 59% = F (Developing)